Stage Model Of Memory

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Stage Model of Memory and Forgetting Jesse M. David St. Petersburg College Abstract The stage model of memory includes three different stages: sensory memory, short term memory, and long term. This model is built off of the idea that information is moved from one stage to another, a process known as encoding. However, this information does not only move from sensory to short term to long term and stay there. It can be brought back to short term from long term. This movement deals with different “cues” that can be a trigger to bring up certain bits of information from long term memory. The time that information is able to be stored in each stage varies greatly. Short term memory also includes a sub-category, called working memory. Working memory deals with actively solving problems. There are many theories that inquire why the human mind forgets. These include encoding fails, the decay theory, and motivated forgetting. Keywords: Stage Model, Sensory, Short Term, Long Term, working, forget, encoding, decay theory, motivated forgetting Stage Model of Memory and Forgetting Sensory memory can store information for a very short duration of time, from ¼ of a second to about 3 seconds. Its job is to collect information from the surrounding environment, and it has quite a large capacity for information. Categories of short term memories include visual (iconic), auditory (echoic), touch (haptic), taste (gustic), and smell (olfactic) (Denkinger, 2007). Using these, a detailed picture of what is going on at that moment is created. Continuous pictures overlap to form what we perceive as the world. Auditory information lasts up to 4 seconds in sensory memory, which is how we can remember something said to us a split second earlier, when we may have not been paying attention. Visual lasts only about a half of a second, though once it is lost, it can be retrieved much
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