St. Lorenzo Ruiz

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St. Lorenzo Ruiz is a hero, a martyr who never surrendered his faith in God. He is the first Filipino saint and martyr. His martyrdom is a big inspiration to all of us. His braveness, willingness to sacrifice and faith indicate what really makes hero a hero. That to die in the name of God is the greatest way to express love to Him and to the people. Lorenzo is a loyal servant of the Lord. In his younger years, Lorenzo served at the convent of Binondo church as a sacristan and altar boy. Since he lived there together with Dominican priests, his knowledge, love and faith in God eventually grows stronger and wider. Until he was falsely accused in killing a Spaniard. Due to the allegation, he was forced to go to Japan accompanied by the Dominican priests. Little he knew, doom awaits him in there. St. Lorenzo went through many hardships. He is brave, dedicated in his beliefs. When he was persecuted and punished by the Japanese who wants to renounce his Christian faith, he shows no fear. He was punished brutally, along with the priests, by inserting needles between his nails and fingers, beaten upside down until unconscious. But then, his faith still reigned in his heart. Not wanting to suffer more, the priests recant their faith, but Lorenzo never did. His courage and willingness to sacrifice made him strong, made him become a hero. And on his last breath, these words he uttered, "I am a Catholic and wholeheartedly accept death for the Lord, and if I have a thousand lives, all of them I will offer to Him." Lorenzo died, but his sacrifice he made that day will never be forgotten, it made history. For dying for someone else, especially God, is one of the greatest way to be a

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