Sportsmanship Essay

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Sportsmanship is everywhere in life. Whether it is on the playing field or off it. The definition of sportsmanship is the character, practice, or skill of a sportsman. All 3 of those characteristics are important and are excellent words of ways you should display yourself. In life there will be times where you can’t hold your composure but you have to if you want to earn respect from others. This is a perfect example of having character. If you are applying for a job, the boss is going to want to hire the person who is calm and confident in his or her abilities to do the job. Same with on the playing field. A coach does not want to hear “I can’t do it”. He wants you to be confident with your abilities to succeed and not give up or give in, and your boss one day doesn’t want to hear you say “this is impossible”. Coaches and bosses are looking for people who have the mind set that everything is possible. One you have the attitude, confidence and character part down, you want to keep it by practicing. Practice makes perfect and there has never been a more true statement. When people hear practice they tend to think of just sports but that is just one of the things you need to practice in life. You need to practice in school to earn good grades and you need to practice your job one day so you can earn a higher spot and most of all you need to practice being a better person in life so you can be the best “you” you can be. Practice is very grueling and time consuming but it is never a waste of time. Do you think the famous sport stars today got to where they are today easily? The famous sport stars you see on television today work hard everyday of their lives. They are the one who came to class and practice early, were the last ones to leave, and got extra help and practice to make themselves even better. They would work hard to defeat themselves. They got better and

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