Spice Trade Essay

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The Growing Spice Trade 2 The growing world demand for spices influenced the history of Southeast Asia in several ways. First of all demand for spices, especially pepper, increased dramatically. Pepper was used to preserve meat, so it was vital for trade between the continents of Asia and Europe. During the 12th to the 14th centuries, southeast Asia was an important source of spices, and this was the reason the European explorers were attracted to it. Colonization of southeast Asia began with the spice trade. During this time, southeast Asia was exposed to many different civilizations, cultures and religions. These played an important role in the development of the southeast Asian countries. Two factors that played important roles in the economic development of southeast Asia were the Crusades and the Chinese government. Even though the Crusades caused friction between the Muslims and the Europeans, they had a positive affect on trade. The Muslims introduced new foods, especially spices, silks and perfumes to the Crusaders. When they returned to their countries, demand for these products increased, as as a result, so did trade. Because the demand was high, money and good flowed easily. Therefore, the Crusades were crucial in creating a demand for Asian products. The trade policy of the Chinese government played an important part in the development of the spice growing world. The Chinese government encouraged the export of its good to increase revenue and to keep peace. The Sung Dynasty built harbors and seaports that supported trade. They encouraged trade in order to tax it and create income. Conor Washington April 23,
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