Speech Against Teachers

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Fellow students, For too long have events been happening to us that we just accept. We have seen these events as the every day median. We also see the culprits to these events as friends or as someone to fear, but for too long have we been blinded by their lies of hatred and deceit. These people my dear friends are our educationalists. They have for too long been hiding behind the large stone that is our education. They tell our parents that it is for their own good that they should go to school but they are just sucking them in to their lies along with the government. It is time to see what is happening, I am only a guide into the vast world that is our school day. Let us start with the educationalists themselves. As an example I will focus this token of enlightenment on one man and one only. Lucas Jordan, He is our first educationalist that is being spotlighted. He has punished use with his foul stench of words, sarcasm, and dirty looks. This single man has brought too much pain to our lives. He alone has pushed pounds upon pounds of homework onto us. Even though we are begging for our lives the next day he steps on our fingers and pushes our faces into the sand by giving us more of the malicious assignments to the brink of what we can handle. My dear friends I cannot lie I have seen this first hand through these sins by my own father. I am afraid that my father does this more that Mr. Jordan himself. I know that you must think that this generation of students like us would do no such thing if we became teachers but we are wrong. We may say we wont but we will unless we rebel against it this force of evil will never end unless we do it our selves. Which brings me to my next point of this treachery we the apprentice of our so said master have at least one or twice tried to bring this line of evil down if not by force but by our actions.

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