Specialized Taxation Essay

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How Do Companies Doing International Business Reduce Their Taxes. (Specialized Taxation) Name: Institution: Specialized Taxation Tax is money paid to the government for specific goods and services (Elliffe & Marr, 2012). Globally, all countries impose taxes on all businesses whether big or small. Specific government bodies or agencies collect taxes. Failure to pay taxes always leads to inevitable fines and punishments even jail terms. Government to carry out different functions that are sure to benefit the public uses this money. For example, cater for infrastructure, law, and order enforcement, operation of the government, funding education, health care, water projects, and agricultural projects. Tax can be purposely collected in order to spend it on a specific project. This is referred to as hypothecation. However, economists view this method to be dishonest since most of the times these taxes fund other government projects instead of what they were meant. In addition, helps pay the country’s debts and the interest accumulated by these debts. There are different kinds of taxes. For example, income tax, corporate tax, social security contributions, payroll taxes, property tax, tariffs, excises, sales tax, value added tax, net worth tax, transfer tax, poll tax, expatriation tax and inheritance tax (Prentice-Hall & In Miller, 2005). The first known form of taxation was first practiced in Egypt. This was mostly in form of tithes. One could say that taxation transfers wealth from private sectors to businesses. It would also be correct to say that indeed, without taxation, there would be massive levels of inflation. Perhaps even governments would not function any more or as effectively as with taxation. On the other hand, without proper redistribution of tax revenue, then economic inequality is reduced. Taxation provides resources for

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