Some Quotes On Horror

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“[According to Jacques Ellul] physical freedom - that is, increased leisure time - is bought at the price of spiritual zombieism. The masses, it is said, are offered various forms of easy, false pleasure as a way of keeping them unaware of their own desperate vacuity.... For the Frankfurt School, in fact, mass culture effected a major transformation in the nature of ideology from Marx’s time: once ‘socially necessary illusion,’ it has now become ‘manipulative contrivance,’ and its power is such that, in the sinister view of T. W. Adorno, “conformity has replaced consciousness”.... Lionel Trilling speculated that high art had dedicated itself to an attack on pleasure in part because pleasure was the province of mass art: “we are repelled by the idea of an art that is consumer-oriented and comfortable, let alone luxurious”.... [According to J-F Lyotard] “the postmodern is that which denies itself the solace of good forms, the consensus of a taste which would make it possible to share collectively the nostalgia for the unattainable”.... [Pleasure] remains the enemy for the postmodern thinker because it is judged to be the means by which the consumer is reconciled to the prevailing cultural policy, or the ‘dominant ideology’.... [Many horror] films are engaged in an unprecedented assault on all that bourgeois culture is supposed to cherish – like the ideological apparatus of the family and the school.... [Roland Barthes maintains that the text is an anagram for the body, but] the contemporary text of horror could aptly be considered an anagram for the schizophrenic’s body.... It is a ruptured body, lacking the kind of integrity that is commonly attributed to popular narrative cinema.... Contemporary film theorists insist that pleasure is ‘ego-reinforcing’ and that narrative is the primary means by which mass culture supplies and regulates this pleasure. [Horror films
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