Some Analysis Of Tess Of The D’Urbervilles

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ASSIGNMENT#1 1. Why do you think the author chose this particular setting for his or her novel? In other words, why is it necessary for the story to happen in that specific place and time? The theme of Thomas Hardy’s tragedy “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” is fate. The story happens in the Victorian ages. During the Victorian ages, the status between men and women is more balance, women are playing a more important role, but they are still under the Patriarchal Society. The concept of Victorian ages is different from the Jacobean ages. The protagonist, Tess Durbeyfield was born in a poor family, which is formed by the family members of a wine bidder father with “fat round his heart” (16), an ignorant, superstitious and naïve mother, and six children. It is necessary for the story to happen in this poor family so Tess has to make money for her family as the eldest daughter, since her parents are unable to make. For those six children, having this pair of parents is their fate, “[a]ll these young souls [are] passengers in the Durbeyfield ship-entirely dependent on the judgment of the two Durbeyfield adults for their pleasures, their necessities, their health, even their existence. If the heads of the Durbeyfield household [choose] to sail into difficulty, disaster, starvation, disease, degradation, death, thither [are] these half-dozen little captives under hatches compelled to sail with them – six helpless creatures, who [have] never been asked if they [wish] for life on any terms, much less if they [wish] for it on such hard conditions as [are] involved in being of the shiftless house of Durbeyfield” (18). Hardy expresses that the worlds are “like the apples on [the] stubbard tree. Most of them splendid and sound – a few blighted” (25). No one can choose who to be, most of the time people have no choice. Hardy (the fate) makes Tess a kind, responsible, pure,

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