Solutions to the Internet Addiction Problem Among Teenagers

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Internet addiction has been an exacerbating problem. In this Web 2.0 epoch, there is a high content variety on the Internet. Consumers have become prosumers who can create and exchange user-generated contents. This makes a large database online. This boosts the convenience of utilizing Internet services. For this reason, the use of Internet has been prevailed in the past decades, while the World Wide Web has become the integral part of people’s life. For instance, people can access the Internet to accomplish multiple tasks, from checking email, playing online computer games to browsing social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Every 4 out of 5 Internet users would regularly browse social networking sites. Throughout a year, users will post 415 pieces of content on Facebook on average; this means people share more than one piece of content a day. This number actually shows how much time people dedicate to Facebook. The Internet undoubtedly brings plenty of convenience to human beings. However, the indulgence in using the Internet can be harmful to the Internet users, not mentally and physically. Among these users, these adolescents are more likely to suffer from Internet addiction. There are three solutions are proposed in order to curb the Internet addiction problem, including setting up passwords of computers by parents, installing web filtering system and consulting the professionals. Setting up passwords The first solution is to set up passwords by parents of Internet addicts. They should ask their parents to lock their computer with a password that they do not know. The passwords should be complicated that cannot be easily guessed by the addicts. Internet addicts should decide with their family on how much time they can spend on the Internet. They should work out a plan together and put it in writing. Keeping a log of actual time can help the
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