Solution on Impact of Plastic Bags Consumption

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SOLUTION ON IMPACT OF PLASTIC BAGS CONSUMPTION INTRODUCTION Plastic bags are very popular in recent years amongst the consumers and retailers. These items have been widely consumed throughout the world in various ways since it was introduced more than thirty years back in 1970’s (Williamson, 2003). Most plastic bags are used by the cashier at the grocery stores to package and handed the goods to the customer. It is also used as frozen food packaging such as fishery and meat. The widely consumption of plastic bags nowadays has been worrying some environmentalist. In 2008, it was reported that peoples of China consumed more than one trillion plastic bags a year while Australians has been using approximately four billion plastic bags annually based on the survey done in 2009. In total, there are at least 500 billion plastic bags being used annually worldwide (Spokas, 2007; Geographical, 2005). For instance, the huge consumption in Australia had resulted about 3.76 billion plastic bags which had been sent to landfill for disposal. Now, we can imagine how many plastic bags will be covering the landfill because of the super-slow degradation process. Despite the importance to salvage the world that we live together, consumers must play their roles towards contributing balance to our earth eco-system. Thus, it is not a simple task to change the consumer’s behaviour overnight. We must have a good ethical value that shall understand the importance. Both of these figures have shown how critical the health of the earth at present. Therefore, this paper is presented for the purpose of describing the human obligation on the consumption of plastic bags. The second part below will begin by giving the definition of plastic in general and scientific. On the third part of this paper, will be discussing about the environmental impact from the unorganised
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