Solitary Confinement Notes for Speech

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Each of the three main factors inherent in solitary confinement- social isolation, reduced environmental stimulation and loss of control over almost all aspects of daily life- is potentially distressing Known as- isolation, control units, supermax prisons, the hole, SHUs, administrative segregation, maximum security or permanent lockdown Why placed there? As punishment, while under investigation, mechanism for behavior modification, suspected of gang involvement, retribution for political activism Conditions vary from state to state but general control and oppression used in isolation and segregation include- • confinement behind a solid steel door for 23 hours a day • limited contact with other human beings • infrequent phone calls and rare non-contact family visits • extremely limited access to rehabilitative or educational programming • restricted reading material and personal property SHU syndrome symptoms include- • visual and auditory hallucinations • hypersensitive to noise and touch • insomnia and paranoia • uncontrollable feelings of rage and fear • increased risk of suicide • PTSD Other then the death penalty, solitary confinement is the most extreme sanction which may be legally imposed on prisoners. Solitary confinement is one of the oldest and most enduring prison practices. Bar the death penalty, it is also the most extreme penalty which can legally be imposed on prisoners. Solitary confinement was first widely and systematically used on both sides of the Atlantic in the ‘separate’ and ‘silent’ penitentiaries of the 19th century, with the aim of reforming convicts. It was believed that once left alone with their conscience and the Bible, prisoners would engage in inner reflection, see the error of their ways and be reformed into law abiding citizens. It soon transpired, however, that rather than being reformed, many

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