Soft System Methodology

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Soft Systems Methodology - MYCOMPANY Ver 2.9 Inquiry on MYCOMPANY Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 2. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES 5 3. APPROACH 5 4. KEY STAKEHOLDERS 6 5. EXTRACTION OF WORKFLOWS 8 6. ISSUES, CONCERNS AND OPPORTUNITIES 10 7. ROOT DEFINITION 12 8. CONCEPTUALIZING MODELS 14 9. ROADMAP TO IMPLEMENTATION 23 10. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROPOSALS 25 11. DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS 27 12. APPENDIX 1: RICH PICTURE (FULL SIZE) 28 13. APPENDIX 2: ROOT DEFINITION DRAFTS (RD1-5) 29 1. Executive Summary Using the Soft System Methodology, the eMBA team identified stakeholders and relevant parties that impact MYCOMPANY and the links through the current work flow processes. The relationships were reviewed and outstanding issues and opportunities of improvement were added. Based on the rich picture , all of the stakeholders were grouped into various functionality owners or actors. Based on issue identified, the recommended actions were grouped and defined. As an overview of the grouped objects and actions subjects, a series of root definitions, which described the long-term goals, were developed and evaluated based on the test criteria highlighted in the course and the final root definition developed. Following on from the root definition key subjects and grouped actionable items, the working team developed the conceptual model. In the final stage the final roadmap for project implementation was established. 2. Background and Objectives This paper documents the findings of an inquiry conducted on MyCompany international - International Software Center Malaysia (MYCOMPANY ), the application software development and support organization responsible for applications within the Standard Chartered Banking group. The four largest software groups within MYCOMPANY and two the key support functions were represented by xxx. The objective of this

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