Soco 110 Essay

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1. What is the order model of society? On what kinds of social phenomena does it focus? What social phenomena are neglected from this perspective? The order model of society demonstrates society as a cooperative and stable system, and any problems are immediately attributed to the people and not the society. Social phenomena not brought to the surface would be 2. What is the conflict model of society? On what kinds of social phenomena does it focus? What social phenomena are neglected from this perspective? The conflict model of society focuses on competition instead of cooperation, which inevitably leads to conflict. 3. What are the potentially divisive forces in society? Religion almost always forms divisions among societies, and that is one example demonstrated in this chapter. Other forces include education, ethnic backgrounds and economic situations among people. 4. Contrary to popular belief, throughout much of U.S. history, oppressed groups have used violence to achieve progress. What is the evidence to support this refutation of the myth of peaceful progress? Arguments include that people in America do not 5. What are the integrative forces of society? Chapter One Study Questions 1. How would sociologists differ from psychologists in studying such phenomena as divorce and racism? Sociologists try to compare the variable in different scenarios and circumstances to go retrieve information about the topic. Instead of only finding the root of a particular case of racism, they try to find the general root of this problem happening in other instances. 2. Peter Berger has said that “the sociological perspective involves a process of ‘seeing through’ the facades of social structure.” What does this mean? Give examples. This quote means that things that are presented one way may not necessarily demonstrate
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