Sociology Research Method and Types of Data

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Why do we do research in Sociology? Research is the process of exploring and gathering evidence. 2 reasons why sociologists undertake research: 1. To build theories – try to uncover data that will help in the creation of an idea of a theory. The sociologist usually has an idea about what is going on but they will seek data that point towards an explanation for why things are as they are 2. To test theories – in this research, they theory or idea has already been suggested and the data are gathered in order to see if the idea is true. Remember, theories allow us to think about the world we inhabit, it allows us to think through why things are as they are or why things might be different from how they actually seem. Theories are critical; they seek to question, to asssess and to ask Types of data: - Primary data – information generated for researcher’s own purposes  Data can be gathered from questionnaires, structured & unstructured interviews, and observation techniques - Secondary data – data that have been done, not necessarily made for sociological research  Can be more or less anything else e.g. statistics produced by the state and by private company, as well as letters, diaries, newspapers, books, television (usually related to the study of mass media)  Advantages – cheap, quick and easily obtained  Disadvantage – not usually produced by sociologists thus not likely match sociologists’ requirements - Both primary and secondary data can be quantitative and qualitative in form How does quantitative data differ from qualitative data? - Any information used for sociological purposes, whether taken from primary or secondary data, can also be described as quantitative or qualitative in form - Quantitative data – usually presented in numeric form and derives from large-scale survey methods – how many prople have cars and not having cars
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