Sociological Aspect of Later Adulthood

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Sociological Aspects of Later Adulthood In today’s society there are many ways in which you can deal with the elder in our society those that are proven to be incapable of helping and looking after themselves. The elder population has grown a lot, in the past many elderly persons where left alone and abandoned due to numerous reasons some of which where the momentary expense, lack of space and some mere basic reasons. Even in today’s generation persons once they have reach a certain age they are urge to retire and go home when most of these persons are not yet ready to just retire and sit down doing nothing. This however leave the elderly person with no income, no social life and in some cases their self esteem, power and status has being lost in the process. In our world today there is lack of opportunities for the elderly person to take part in; there are not enough facilities to cater to each person’s need, and in capabilities in that the elderly persons that are not gainfully employed cannot afford a house are to maintain him or herself on their own without the aid from the government agencies one out of every ten elderly person is now living in deep poverty. The elderly are subjected to serious scrutiny and discrimination in their jobs, their family and others in their social life if they have one. In their work place they are seen as not productive, burdensome and feeble, so once they have reach the age of 50 and 60 they are ask to leave and find another means to occupy their time, because the work place only caters to the young and made only provision for the younger generation. Elderly people are faced with a lot of problems that affect them until they are dead. Some of these problems are poverty, malnutrition, and lack of transportation, healthcare difficulties and elderly abuse. These are problems that

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