Socio-Economic Consequences Of Industrialization

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SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF INDUSTRIALIZATION Urbanization is the first consequence of industrialization. It refers to the movement of population from rural to urban areas and the resulting increasing proportion of a population that resides in urban rather than rural places. Industrialization caused the migration of large number of population from rural areas to factory centers. These factories act like a magnet that pulls the people away from their rural roots as they move to look for jobs hence the birth of factory towns that grew into large industrial centers. Consequently, there are a number of effects such as crime, slum development, drug abuse, prostitution among others. (Sharma, 1998) Crime and immorality are very prone in the industrial centers. Many workers in the industrial towns are unable to find a suitable accommodation or unable to cope with high expenses of urban life and are therefore forced to lead isolated survival. This makes them contemplate of immoral ways to meet their basic needs especially if they are not highly morally trained. For instance such people are likely to engage in stealing, drug abuse, and commercial sex. They also take an advantage of the congestion and the diversity of the people; heterogeneous community to do their evil actions. Unemployment- although industrialization has created employment opportunities for millions of people, it has also led to unemployment to some people. Industrialization is associated with machines that are consistently being improved in terms of their complexity and making work more easier; whenever a new sophisticated machine is installed or introduced in any factory, it means that a number of workers lose their jobs as their services are no longer required-their services are replaced by the machine. The mechanization of production greatly reduces the need for workers. Capitalism-the businessmen
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