Social Work Values

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Values This assignment will discuss personal values and how we acquire them. I will discuss Professional values and the importance of a value base for social work. Over many years, numerous lists of professional values have been created; the history of these lists will be examined together with the codes of practice and anti discriminatory practice in relation with the treatment of Sylvia who has Huntington’s disease. We are all born as entirely reliant infants, but through close proximity with our primary educators (mainly our parents), we are taught how to exist in our culture and acquire our personal values, which are inherited and passed down from generation to generation. Primary socialisation is during the early years of our life and is the most important developmental stage a human being can go through. Secondary agents of socialisation such as the school we attend, peer groups and the work place are more formal and less intimate; however it enables us to learn more in wider society. Socialisation runs continuously through a person’s life, as we are always learning new skills, values and norms. Our personal values may evolve and develop through the experiences we have, and the knowledge we gain during our life course. Our values are very deep rooted and a very important part of ourselves, they make us who we are. According to Banks, values can be regarded as particular types of belief that people hold about what is regarded as worthy or valuable (Banks, 2006:p6), we sincerely believe and trust in them. Our values influence what we think we should do in certain situations throughout our life, and also what we think others should to do. They influence not only our opinions and judgments, but our actions in everyday life. Parrot suggests that in deciding those things in life that we value, we rely on a sense of morality to inform us as to what is
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