Social Self Essay

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SSC 113- Social Self TMA 01 Student Name: Saiful Reduwan Bin Mohamed Noor Nric No: S8420397A PI Number: Y1174507 1(a)In 500 words or less, present a synopsis of both studies that competently explains the key concepts of social self, self concept, derivation of the self(self-esteem, self focusing, self monitoring and self efficacy) and the key perspectives of conveyed by Cooley’s Looking Glass Self. The first article looks beyond Cooley’s Looking Glass Self stating that the self is not only form conforming to the others perception or ideas about one’s self. Part who we are now and how we think of ourselves is determine by a collective identity that is social self.The looking glass self state that the people around us serve as our “social mirrors” and our self-image is constructed after imagining how others’ opinions of us, especially those who are has great intimacy with us such as our parents and even teachers(Smith & Mackie, 2000). Through the looking glass self, there are three step involve in forming the self idea, first we imagine how one appear to others, follow by one’s imagination of how others are judging him and the responses to the interpretation to the imagined evaluations from others (Shaffer, 2005). Feedbacks from other are crucial in the development of the self especially young children and will affect the self-esteem positively or. An example if a student is told that he is smart it will boost his self-esteem, but if he is told that he is stupid, his self-esteem will be low. The article further discuss that human beings do not just reflect on the feedbacks or the appraisal from other but also from the consequence or the product of their actions. The self is more seen as active role and self efficacy play an important part impacting the self esteem. It is further discussed how in a social structure that an individual action efficacious
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