Social Realism in Shiv K. Kumar's a River with Three Banks- a New Historical Study

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Social Realism in Shiv K Kumar’s A River with Three Banks – A New Historical Study P.Suria Thilagam MSU constituent college of Arts&Scienc Sathankulam New Historicism is one of the modern critical theories developed in the 1980s.The term ‘new historicism’ was coined by the American critic Stephen Greenbalt and it gained widespread influence in the 1990s. His book Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From more to Shakespeare (1980) is regarded as the beginning of new historicism. In Peter Barry’s words new historicism is defined as “the parallel reading of literary and non-literary texts of the same historical period”. The historical documents of the same period are taken as co-texts or expressions of the same ‘historical moment’ that is found in literary texts. New Historicism attempts at a reinterpretation of history as well as literary texts and thereby tries to ‘defamiliarise’ the canonical texts by detaching them from the weight of the past. The new historicists take the social, cultural, historical implications of the text and extend the analysis to the economic and political. New Historicists aim to understand the work through its historical context and to understand cultural and intellectual history through literature, which documents the new discipline of the history of ideas. Michel Foucault based his approach both on his theory of the limits of collective cultural knowledge and on his technique of examining a broad array of documents in order to understand the episteme of a particular time. New Historicism is claimed to be a more neutral approach to historical events, and to be sensitive towards different cultures. The American critic Louis Montrose defines new historicism as a combined interest in the ‘textuality’ of history and ‘historicity’ of texts. It involves an intensified willingness to read all of the textual traces of the past with the

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