Social Impacts Of Construction Accidents

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Social Impact of Construction Accidents – Assignment 1 I have decided to discuss the Social Impact/Consequences of a Construction Accident in regards to the employee. The impacts in which work-related construction accidents have are widespread. The impact is psychological, behavioral, vocational, economical and social. Each one of these impacts the next. From the time of the accident occurs there are psychological affects. Research shows that 27-31% of individuals display post traumatic stress symptoms and extremely high levels of anxiety and depression. Only a small portion of individuals discuss these issues with their doctors or specialists or receive treatment. The behavioral impact affects sleep patterns and involves temperament changes such as loss of patience, anger and aggression. There can be a decrease in sexual activity which is caused emotionally and physically. Substance misuse increases with prescription, non-prescription and alcohol. The accident not only affects the individual but also affects family. The research shows that 63% of individuals experience restriction of one or more daily activities and 80% have restricted mobility. Thus requires the support and assistant of their spouse, children and/or other family members. The emotional, physical and financial strain this puts on the family is extremely high which results in 60% of relationships deteriorating. Some individuals have stated that their relationships have grown stronger. Individuals have significant financial pressure in a result of the accident. Due to the financial pressure, the individual’s remain at work or return early. They usually have few alternate job prospects. Their income is greatly reduced due to restricted hours and loss of overtime. They experience additional debts caused by increased medical, transportation and legal costs and family may experience lost time

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