Social Disorganization Question and Answer

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Social Disorganization Question and Answer L.J. CJA/384 Criminal Organizations August 7, 2012 Social Disorganization Social disorganization is defined as an inability of community members to achieve shared values or to solve jointly experienced problems. According to Shaw and McKay (1942), social disorganization references the conditions in the urban areas that were the only places the newly arriving poor could afford to live, in particular, a high rate of turnover in the population and mixes of people from different cultural backgrounds. Social disorganization theory specifies that several variables including residential instability, ethnic diversity, family disruption, economic status, population size or density, and proximity to urban areas all play a role in the theory. This paper will serve to make an attempt to correlate the similarities of the social disorganization theory and organized crime, and evaluate the similarities of the political machine and organized crime as they apply to social disorganization. The study of crime has produced several theories; those that apply to organized crime are centered on how organized crime functions, and the relationship between the social environment and the individual and group within. According to Lyman and Potter "Some researchers link criminality to social conditions prevalent in neighborhoods. Many of them believe that the reasons crime rates are high in these areas are urban decay, a general deterioration of the ecology of inner cities, and general social and familial deterioration." (Lyman, Potter, 2007) Organized Crime is supposed to have structure and follow a regimented sequence that follows patterns during its day-to-day operations. However, amongst the rank and file of members in organized crime there is chaos that occurs in plain sight, creating disorganization. Because social
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