Social, Cultural and Political Consumer Influences

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Social, Cultural and Political Consumer Influences Constance H Bradley Phoenix University PSY322 RICARDO MCCOY March 10, 2014 Social, Cultural and Political Consumer Influences During the past twenty years there has been a significant increase in unprotected sex, venereal disease transfers, and unplanned pregnancies, often leading to abortions which in most cultures is deemed morally and socially wrong, as well as children being born into a household where they are unwanted, abused, and left to fend for themselves. While there has been a rise in baby booms, there has also been an increase in safe sex awareness as well as contraceptives being put in a more positive light. However for those who have a positive view about contraceptives there is also that group who is pro- life, and don’t believe in the use of contraceptives to prevent the religious cycle of life due to every women of child bearing age. Politically the use of contraceptive is encouraged in order to keep the population from growing to an even more alarming rate. Not taking away our right to free will & procreation, but asking that we decrease our procreation rate. Political & Social For the consumers who are religiously and socially motivated, the purchasing of contraceptives could be seen as a sac religious act. . In an article Published February 1, 2013 in the Huffington Post Obama initially tried to extend health insurance coverage to include contraceptives, and prevention of pregnancy. He was met with opposition from institutions with religious affiliation, One Group, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty is quoted as saying that ““Today’s proposed rule does nothing to protect the religious liberty of millions of Americans. The rights of family businesses are still being violated. “Today’s proposed rule does nothing to protect the religious liberty of millions of

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