Social Contract Theory of State

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Social contract theory of state Since everything has a beginning , state also has a beginning .This essay depicts how the state came into being in the first place . To start with three famous philosophers came up with their own thesis or assumption of how the state was formed by a theory of contract made up by the people themselves i.e. voluntary agreement. Social contract theory was developed during this period of social, political and religious turmoil. The theory was developed in the period of sixteenth and seventeenth century which is also known as the period of Enlightenment. That mainly addressed the questions of origin of the society and the legitimacy of the power of the state over the individual. With a purpose of reforming society using reason and then challenge ideas grounded in tradition and faith. It can also be called the age of transition of human consciousness from a state of ignorance with antiquity and followed by progressive development. The theory was significantly influenced by the situation at that time. In the period of sixteenth and seventeenth century there was a process of political transformation from theocracy to political government. This theory has been developed in due course and is associated with three famous philosophers. Firstly Thomas Hobbes of Amesbury (5 april 1588-4december 1679),an English philosopher explained the theory of social contract , and then John Locke (29 august 1632-28 october 1704) another English philosopher , a physician and one of influential thinkers of Enlightenment explained his theory, and lastly Jean Jacques Rousseau (28june1712-2july1778) a Genevan philosopher , writer and a composer explained his theory . According to them the state originated as a result of voluntary agreement between the people and the sovereign. And it all began with a state of nature, and We will
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