'Snow White' Stronger Than Ever

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‘Snow White’ Stronger Than Ever I recently watched the movie “Snow White and the Huntsman,” a magical modern twist of the 200 year old, classical fairytale “Snow White.” First time director, Rupert Sanders, proves why fairy tales are so popular on the big screen. Movie goers love the ingredients that make up a fairytale movie. The movie must consist of a heroine or someone to root for, a villain that battles the heroine, obstacles to overcome, magic, a happy ending and a lesson, or moral to come away with. I believe “Snow White and the Huntsman” follow all the criteria needed to be a successful fairytale movie. In this movie, you will know right away who you are cheering for, Snow White. The movie begins with Snow White’s father being killed by her new step-mother, Ravenna. A young Snow White awakes from her sleep to find her father and his kingdom fooled by the Queen. Ravenna and her black army storm the kingdom and begin killing and destroying anyone who tried to fight against them. Snow White tries to escape but is captured, summoned to the tower, where she is locked away for many years. Many viewers criticized the performance of Kristen Stewart who played Snow White in the film. Stewart is most known for her role as Bella Swan in the recently popular Twilight series. Scott Bowles from USA Today wrote, “Stewart, in particular, seems miscast. She is as sullen and morose as she was in the Twilight franchise, and we need more verve from a hero meant to embody the modern woman.” Another critic, Joe Morgenstern with the Wall Street Journal agreed, “Ms. Stewart’s skills haven’t caught up with her celebrity, so it’s almost painful to watch and listen as she struggles with an English accent and intones her dialogue lifelessly.” Although I can see where Bowles and Morgenstern believe Stewart’s performance may have fallen flat, I also believe
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