Smoking Is Bad For Heath

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Smoking is bad for heath “The Effects on the Brain After Smoking” by Laura Reynolds in ehow website. The author wants to give information how smoking affects the brain. Smokers use cigarettes to feel confident at work and in social relations etc. Some people did not know that “smoking is harmful to their health”. Nicotine in cigarettes affects the nerves. Reynolds, using logos, refers to “Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service” to prove her argument. She said there are a number of chemical changes are caused by nicotine in the blood that affect brain function as the nerve-center of the human body. However, cigarette contains numerous harmful ingredients including nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide in it. When inhaled, each of these ingredients can result in hazardous effects on our respiratory system, especially the lungs which are the most important among the various organs of the respiratory system. Tobacco isn’t a good drug for people. It affect to lungs, brain and action of people. To quit smoking is hard, but he want us try to quit smoking. Reynolds’s commentary is part a larger debate about the effect on the brain after smoking. The effect smoking has always been controversial, but some people haven’tseen the harm of smoking. They have believed that “smoking helped them awake, make energy in work, etc.” However,herbs are one of the ingredients used to manufacture drugs for human treatment. But besides that if we abuse it, it will become harmful substances. Tobacco is one component that affects people by smoking. It is dangerous to humans and causes damage to lung cancer, affects the brain. Laura Reynolds began writing professionally in 1974. She has worked as a nonfiction author and editor, and as a newspaper editor. Reynolds has been appointed and elected to local offices as well. She has a

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