Smoking In Public Places Should Be Banned

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Should Smoking in Public Places be banned? Do you know that second hand smoking can cause cancer, coronary heart disease and respiratory problems? It can even cause death. Smoking has two main bad factors: it is as addictive as heroin and your social relationship gets damaged. Cigarettes contain chemicals, which are highly harmful and addictive to our body. The main problem is nicotine. Firstly nicotine alters the balance of your brain chemicals. The two chemicals that are affected are dopamine and noradrenalin. When these chemicals are altered it can cause dramatic change of mood and concentration change negatively. Also the more you smoke the more you get used to it so you need more and more smoke to get the feeling again. Secondly nicotine is highly addictive and is difficult to quit. You usually have to ask NHS, which is an organization that helps you to quit smoking, for help. When you get help from NHS the possibilities of quitting smoking is four times more than trying to quit by yourself. Finally all these chemicals cause cancer and even death. 114,000 people die from smoking in the UK every year. Who would want to live with a stinky tobacco smelling person even if it’s your parent? It’s not only the smell but also breathing the smoke from a cigarette, which is called second hand smoking, can cause sickness and death. Second hand smoking is the main reason why we hate smokers next to us. Second hand smoking can cause circumstances as bad as death. A lot of people see their relatives die because of second hand smoking. It’s as nearly bad as smoking itself. Smoking is a harmful hobby that causes humongous damage to you and other people close to you. Being addictive as heroin and damaging your social relationships are the two reasons why smoking should be stopped at least in public

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