Six “Dynamics” That Developed in the Period from 1877 to Present That Determined or Changed the Course of American History

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Erica Ford Course Essay HIS 1112 Identify and summarize in your own words six “dynamics” that developed in the period from 1877 to present that determined or changed the course of American History. I chose six dynamics that I thought changed the course of American History. They are re the Railroads, Working Women, The “New” Woman, The “New Negro”, Direct Action Protests: The Montgomery Bus Boycott, and “Yes We Can”: Obama Elected President. With the above six dynamics I will explain why in my opinion they changed the course of American History. The railroads was the first big business in the late 19th century that was a big part of the building the economy future. Railroads grew into a big and more integrated system with people like Cornelius Vanderbilt and Jay Gould who became the most wealthiest and powerful people in the country. Of course there were more developments like equipment standardization, time zones, land grants that made this business big. Railroads not only was the 1st bug business but contributed to the growth of other areas. Iron, Oil, and Electricity also grew along with the railroad industry. In my opinion the Bessemer process that made it possible for mass production of Iron. The new refining techniques brought about more oil and last but not least electricity played a part in the economic expansion. I n the end competition and monopoly played a role in the falling prices and increased completion in 1873 that cut into the profits of the railroads but it did change the course of his by showing us how this type of industry would help the economy. The second dynamic that changed the course of American History was the Working Woman. In my opinion romanticism which from my understanding is the quest for personal improvement which led to the middle class life. Since there was a change in the factory system there was a limit on jobs

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