Site Visitation Nursing Home

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The amazing and creative design of this particular place gives a warm welcome to potential patients, employees and visitors. When you first enter you are greeted with delightful smiling faces. The first floor is very neatly maintained with a fluorescent red rug, the walls are covered with colorful paintings and the smell of the atmosphere is very pleasant. In this nursing home everything appears to be wonderful and full of happiness. After speaking to the supervisor in charge he directed me to the fourth floor where seniors with permanent mental complications live. As we went up the elevator many thoughts ran through mind and I was excited to explore the living situations of this particular group of people. As the elevator doors open everything changed, the pleasant smell was replaced by an atrocious scent. The front desk was under construction , therefore, the nurses’ station was set up the corner. The gentleman who directed me to the fourth floor introduced me to the nurses in charge and the doctor at the time. The nurses where from different ethnicities including an Asian nurse, a white lady, and an Indian Doctor. I was amazed of how the atmosphere had changed the staff except for the doctor appeared to be overwhelmed and not so friendly. I was given a quick tour of the floor and the way the rooms were setup. Each room had a different color coded poster outside room which stand for the condition of the patient. The only room I wasn’t able to enter was the isolation room where a resident with a highly contagious disease lived. I was then told that dinner time was approaching and it would be nice if I had small talk with some of the residents while they had their dinner. We went to the diner room and the CNA’s where rushing to sit everyone at their proper place. The CNA’s were all from different ethnicity’s as well some, appeared to be Hispanic others, appeared

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