Simile Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Title: Simile Concept / Topic To Teach: Use of simile in poetry writing. Standards Addressed: California State Board of Education, English-Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools, 1997* General Goal(s): To teach student the use simile in literature through applied practice in a student composition. Specific Objectives: Use of simile in student writing. Students learn to make connections between unrelated ideas and events while learning how to perceive those objects and events beyond the things and actions as we ordinarily understand them to be. Required Materials: Sample poems: “The Eagle” by Tennyson “The Six Strings” by Lorca Further Poem Examples‡ Star Simile Worksheet Sharp Pencil and Composition Paper Time: One Hour Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Discussion of word “simile.” Write the word “S-M-I-L-E” on the board in large letters. Explain that simile is easily remembered by adding the letter “i” between the S and the M written on the board. Write in the letter “I” between the “S” and “M.” Ask for background knowledge: does anyone know what a simile is? Reward correct responses and explain that a simile compares two very unlike things using the words “like” or “as.” Read aloud the poems by Tennyson and Lorca. Ask students to find the word “like” or “as” in poems. Have them put finger on word. Ask them what two things are being compared in first, then the second poem. Discussion of how an eagle is like a thunderbolt (Tennyson). Discussion of how a tarantula is like a guitar (Lorca). Tell students they are going to make their own similes and use them in a poem. Step-By-Step Procedure: Format: Example poems, discussion. Group participation. Individual writing. Reading and brief discussion of the example poems (appropriate to grade level). Have pencil and paper ready at desks and hand out Star Simile

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