Silencing Criticism of Thomas Jefferson

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A movement has begun to bring the two dollar bill back into widespread circulation. This bill displays Thomas Jefferson’s portrait on the front side, which has caused a controversy over whether the US should let him be honored by this movement or if the two dollar bill should be left to fade into history. Through arguments, Jefferson’s contributions to the foundation of the United States of America have been polluted by critics who state that his personal actions, specifically on the subject of race, outweigh his progressive input. The US should not allow Thomas Jefferson to fade into history because of distorted contemporary perceptions of his alleged racism and widespread slave holding but should rather analyze this topic based on its lasting significance and historical context to then weigh it against his protection of liberty and progression in national expansion and it shall reaffirm his importance in the history of the United States of America. A new style of doing history has come up in recent decades that has begun the question of Jefferson’s right to be on the two dollar bill. This style has demeaned the Jefferson who was put on a pedestal in years past by accusing him of having sexual relations with a slave. With DNA evidence it has been known that Jefferson did in fact have children with one of his slaves named Sally Hemings. But why should this be a basis to throw out all his other accomplishments? It shouldn’t, she was a slave of his which means that she was property and did not hold rights equivalent to humans. Jefferson was above believing that his slaves were only property though. A passage that was deleted from the Declaration of Independence shows that he thinks blacks also possess inalienable rights of life, liberty, “He [The King of England] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life and liberty in
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