Shui Fabrics Essay

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Shui Fabrics Paula Glass-Price Course Professor: Dr. Phillip L. Duncan Modern Management – MGT 500 1. Describe the differences between Ray Btzell's and Chiu Wai's perspectives on ROI in terms of the GLOBE Project value dimensions. According to our textbooks, GLOBE is the acronym for “Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness which is “a management assessment tool that explains cultural differences by identifying these nine dimensions: assertiveness, future orientation, uncertainty avoidance, gender differentiation, power distance, societal collectivism, individual collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation (Daft, 2010).” Global business venture failures often result when cultural due diligence is not completed and factors such as national politics, societal attitudes, technological differences and economic barriers are not considered (Zoldak, 1999). There were a wide range of differences in the perspectives of Ray Betzell's and Chiu Wai on ROI (acronym for return of investment) in terms of the GlOBE Project value dimensions. It appeared that Chiu Wai’s foremost concern was that his country of China was not exploited and that the joint business venture between the United States and China was beneficial to both Rocky River Industries and Shanghai Fabrics. In terms of collectivism, Wai focused on making a contribution to the local economy by providing close to 3000 jobs to native people. Chiu Wai’s was content with a 5 percent ROI (Return on Investment) rather than the 20 percent ROI anticipated by Ray Betzell. Chiu Wai’s social and cultural values were extremely different than that of Ray Betzell which influenced his patterns of leadership, decision making, motivation and managerial control. Culturally, the United States places a high value on assertiveness and encourages toughness while enforcing

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