Should We Trust Our First Impressions?

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Ola Kowalska Should we trust our first impressions? “Fine feathers make fine birds” – nowadays this proverb is more actual than it was ever before. Ability to make a good first impression is crucial if one wants to succeed in professional and private life. Should we really trust our first impressions that much? Isn’t it perhaps better to bear in mind another saying: “appearances can be deceiving”? Firstly, it is obvious that the way one looks can tell much about his or her character and attitude towards life. There are some people who make everyone believe in their trustworthiness and reliability, they are usually perceived as warm, open-minded and simply decent ones and it happens only because of their nice and delicate faces. On the other hand, there is a group of people who appear suspicious, unkind and ruthless to potential employers, friends or partners because of hooked noses or disproportionally big ears. Very often this selection based on the first impression turns out to be justified. Moreover, scientific researches made on the most successful social groups (executives, managers, politicians) on the one hand and the lowest class on the other prove that different face types are characteristic for representatives of different backgrounds. In the second place, it has to be admitted that not only the way your face looks like but also the way you dress, move and behave are important. By looking at these physical features we can even more accurately estimate person’s character. Clothes usually tell much about one’s interests and about his or her lifestyle. When it comes down to behaviour and the way one move, these are the temperament indicators – by analyzing someone’s gesticulation it can easily be said whether that person is phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric or maybe melancholic. However, first impression is in many

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