Should We Study And Work At The Same Time?

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OUTLINE Should We Study and Work at the Same Time? Introduction Nowadays is very important and necessary for young people to have and manage their own money, that is why most of them decide to work and study at the same time, but sometimes to do both things simultaneously can bring some cause that can affect different aspects of their life. There is no single right way to balance their classes with their job responsibilities. Study and work and the same time could make students unable to focus on their study, stress and restless, less time for their families and friends to do activities and less time for themselves. Body 1.0 Stress and restless 2.1 Students cannot sleep well 2.2.1 Many scientists and doctors say that a person needs sleep at least eight hours a day. 2.2.2 Can harm their body. 2.2.3 Students exhausted and will confine themselves. 2.0 Less time for their families and friends to do activities 3.2 Students have no time to have fun. 3.3.4 Do not have much time to share or sit together with family. 3.3.5 Get complaints from parents and friends. 3.0 Less time for themselves 4.3 Will lose their own privacy 4.4.6 Becoming lazy to do their assignments. 4.4.7 Money will make them become greedy. 4.0 Students unable to focus on study 5.4 It is hard to follow lessons while working 5.5.8 They cannot do their assignment correctly. 5.5.9 Affect their grades. Conclusion In conclusion, we believe that working is important for people nowadays but it may affect the students when they work and study at the same time. PTPTN and MARA should provide more allowances to students. So they would not think to study and work at the same time. They cannot follow lessons, they cannot concentrate on
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