Should the Driving Age Be Raised to 18

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Should the driving age be raised to 18? In today’s modern era driving is at the pinnacle of transportation. Cars are the most reliable and used mode of transportation at present. The main argument is that are 16 year olds mature and responsible enough to be able to driving alone. Obtaining a drivers license is a milestone in a teenager’s life and it provides them with independence and freedom but for a few years now teenagers who are able to drive have been losing their lives and endangering others lives on Australian roads. The percentage of accidents on our roads involving teenagers is on a constant rise and this poses as a major concern. There are many advantages and disadvantages of Raising the driving age. The main point that supports the argument is that are 16 years old mature enough and responsible enough to drive? Sixteen's considered as a mature age and that's why sixteen year olds are able to get a license but are they mentally mature enough to drive. Most sixteen years old are not mature and are responsible enough to drive as the fall under peer pressure easily and make bad decisions that they will regret later. A study done in South Australia proves that 66% of teenage drivers will speed up if under peer pressure. The question still stands are teenage drivers mature enough or responsible enough o make the right choice? Major percentage of teenage drivers are reckless drivers but what about the drivers that are safe drivers, I think the license age shouldn't be raised but should just be made harder. Another reason that supports that the driving age should be raised is by raising the driving age parents receive more control on their children and can keep them on the right track. Once teenagers receive their license they think that they can do whatever they want and become carless. Teenage drivers also over-estimate their driving skills as they

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