Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Work?

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should teenagers be allowed to work? Teenagers should be allowed to have jobs while they are still students. From employment experience, teenagers can learn to manage finance and gain useful skills required to keep a job. The studies from U.S. department of labor says that 50% of American teenagers hold informal jobs, and 80% of the teenagers with work experience find it less stressful to manage money when they graduate from high school. Managing money can become quite stressful when you don’t have much experience. On the other hand, if you had a part time job when you were still students then you are already familiar with payment system and can adjust finance better as an adult, than the people who didn’t have working experience. Secondly, through working, teenagers can gain general skills needed to be employed. According to “Benefits for students and Institution” by Mary Roark, “Values, emotional maturity, personal identity and integrity are fostered through employment experiences.” From the skills listed on the quote, emotional maturity and integrity are extremely crucial for teenagers to have. And these skills are not easy to be acquired without the help of employment experiences. Although some might argue that teenagers should focus on studies and not spend too much time working in such a young age. However many countries have a minimum work age of 14 up to 18, depending on the country, and limits the number of hours worked by minors under the age of 16. By the age of 16 most teenagers are familiar with how to manage time for studying and working. So with keeping in mind the information provided, from now and on wards not only teenagers but also parents and employers should be more open to teenagers being

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