Should Poorer Countries Develope Their Tourist Industry When the Basic Needs of Their People Are Not Being Met?

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Should poorer countries develope their tourist industry when the basic needs of their people are not being met? The economic develope of a country is seen as the most important issue that many governments care about nowadays. Tertiary sector, especially the tourism industry is seen as solution to earning huge profits. As a result, the standards of living of their people can be enhanced. However, some poorer countries try to boost their tourism despite the fact that their people are still suffering from lack of basic living necessities. Thus, it is very crucial for poorer countries’ governments to make a sound decision between developing their tourism industry or fulfilling the basic needs of their people. Successful development of the tourism industry provide financial aid for a country to develop its living standard, including healthcare, transportation, food and infrastructures. Tourists from other countries may spend money on food, living and transportation. Local people who are running these related companies or shops as such can earn more money. Part of these money will go to the government through taxing and then used to build infrastructures and fulfill people’s basic needs. In this way, poorer countries can develop in a faster pace as compared only concentrating on primary sectors. Tourism industry can provide more career opportunities to both lowly and highly educated people, as well as to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Poorer counties always have low literacy rate due to the lack of awareness in education. People with low education backgrounds find it difficult to get enough salary. They also do not have a chance, getting to know about the world. Tourism industry will bring about career opportunities such as driving, tour guiding and other related jobs. Some of these jobs do not need people with very high skills or

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