Should Parents Be Held Responsible When Young Commit Crime ?

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From the outset , it is belief that parents should be held accountable for their children’s crimes because parents are largely responsible for the education of their children and often influence the child’s actions and behavior when the child is older. This is because parents are often the first people that a child gets to know after he or she is born and parents spend the most time with their children while they are young. When children are growing up, they pay a lot of attention to their parents; especially at young age. Children influenced by the parents' behaviour and character since they are the one who teach them right or wrong and how to behave and how does the life works. This lead to people to think that if children do not behave well and commit crimes, it is the fault of the parents for not having controlled them well and bad parenting towards the child. Parents are also blamed as some people feel that parents should be the scapegoats after their children commit crimes due to the concepts that the young person manner are come from the parenting from their parents. As a result , some feel that parents should be blamed and punished for the crimes of their children . However, there are still many parents who have done their part in the proper teaching their children or having their best what they can to prevent their children from committing crimes and yet , their children still involve in committing crimes. In this kind of situation , the parents are not supposed to be blamed from what most people have presume. Parents do not have complete control over their children , they couldn’t watch over their children all the times , such as in schools. Moreover , parents are even unaware of what their children are really like despite spending time with them. Since there are certain situations in which the parents are not entirely to blame the child's committing

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