Should Literature Be Thought to Everyone?

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Personally, I feel that the number of literature students each year is dropping drastically. One possible reason would be because many students feel that literature would not help to play a part in their futures. Many of them aspire to be doctors, pilots, and maybe scientists. If you think about it, literature does not seem to be included in their job scopes, thus many students would not want to take literature. Also, the first thing that comes to mind upon thinking of literature would be Shakespeare himself. Since a young age, the idea that Shakespearean text is tedious and boring somehow managed to find its way into our younger generation, which generates the false image that literature is a dull and repetitive subject. As a result, several schools do not even offer literature in their curriculum, which brings us to our question at hand. Everyone should be given the opportunity to study literature, as there will always be a group of people who are passionate about the art of the English language. If we were to continue denying these groups of people from taking literature, it will eventually die out in our society, like it or not. That would be many, many years of culture and art lost just because we do not let our students take literature as a subject. Right now, I can already sense that many people do not appreciate literature, as too much pop culture is taking over their heads. Due to our fast-paced society of today, many people simply do not have the time to sit down and read, or, sit down and do absolutely nothing. Therefore, literature would always seem to be like a stone along the side of the pavement: negligible. Due to this, I feel that it will be inevitable for literature to be removed from our textbooks. The good news is that many people are doing their best to revive the spirit of literature within us, through events such as the Singapore’s

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