Should Guns Be Banned in the Us

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Running Head: SHOULD GUNS BE BANNED IN THE U.S Should Guns Be Banned In The U.S February 25,2013 Charles Vlcek SSE0050 Fundamentals Of English Should Guns Be Banned In The U.S Throughout history gun control has been a controversial issue. Some people argue we have the right to keep guns for personal use while others argue gun violence is out of control, and the only way to stop the violence is to ban guns for all citizens except law enforcement officials. I do not believe banning guns is the answer for the following reasons; the second amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms, guns do not kill people people do, and banning guns in Australia and the U.K did not work and it will not work here. Our founding fathers wrote the constitution over two hundred years ago and gave us the right to keep and bear arms it is the second amendment to our constitution, and has stood all this time. Banning guns would take this right away from us law abiding citizens “The constitution expressly forbids the government from limiting our second amendment rights in any way” (,2013 p10) Guns do not kill people people do, and banning guns would just make things worse. Law abiding citizens would not be able to own a gun for personal protection and hunting. Criminals will always find a way to arm themselves leaving the rest of us helpless. According to Ellen Grace, Jones, author of “Why The U.S Should Not Ban Guns” (2012) “Australia and the U.K banned guns in 1997 yet murder rose by nineteen percent and armed robbery by sixty nine percent” ( p1). Here is another reason banning guns is not the answer, ”In the United States Chicago and Washington D.C have banned guns ; yet Chicago is the deadliest global city, and the murder rate is twenty five percent higher than last year” ( p1). These facts clearly prove that banning guns will not work in the

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