Should Captial Punishment Be Permitted?

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Should capital punishment be permitted? Theresa R. Worthy PHI103: Informal Logic Instructor Naomi Sanderovsky March 20, 2012 Should capital punishment be allowed? Even though there many people in our society may feel that if you are willing to take a life then your life should be taken. This type of punishment addresses the morality of the issue. There have been irrevocable mistakes that cannot be changed. Race has played a factor in capital punishment. Addressing the issue about the cost of death vs. life in prison, Is it more economical for use to impose the capital punishment or life in prison? Capital punishment is used to impose a death sentence for those who have been found guilty of committing a horrific act against another human being. But is this form of punishment the answer to our problems? Capital punishment is not the answer to are problem as many think it is. Capital punishment is regarded to the solution of crime but it does not truly address the issue of crime. This type of punishment should not be allowed as an instrument towards others. It crosses the line of not just morality but the defining junction of who truly holds the power to pass this judgment. While capital punishment has been invoked in many states there is still an issue of morality. Many of these individual rights have been all but nullified because of an act that may or may not have been committed. But as a society we are deathly quick to persecute another individual for their crimes thinking that it is justice. Is there really justice in killing another human being that has killed someone else? An article by J.D. Shepherd (2012) maintains, “That there are similarities to the punishment by states of an individual who holds a right not to be punished.” Along the way, he highlights the normative implications of defining a human right not to be punished under

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