Shortcut In Judging People

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There are many ways to judge a person. However, there are three shortcuts that are often used in judging others. The first shortcut is assumed similarity. The definition of this shortcut is the assumption that others are like oneself. The degree to which a perceiver sees himself or herself, he or assumed similarity is assessed by the correlation between self-perception and the perceiver effect. For example, when Jasmine joined our group she thought that Sulyn and her had the same personalities. However, she found that she was wrong, as they were totally different type of people. Another shortcut used during the experiential activity was stereotyping shortcuts. It means that judging a person on the basis of one’s perception of a group to which he or she belongs to. During the experiential activity, we belief that Mary who is a female, cannot play her role as a good leader. Nonetheless, she proved to us that female also can be a good leader and able to control people. In addition, the halo effect shortcut was also used during the activity. It is a general impression of an individual that is influenced by a single characteristic. So, to clarify, if possible, when an individual is found to have one desirable trait, then that individual is automatically assumed to have many other desirable traits as well. The halo effect can undermine an individual's effort to be objective in making judgments because all people respond to others in a variety of ways, making true objectivity nearly impossible. For example, before we started to play the games, we thought that Tim is someone who always speak loudly and thought that he was angry with us. However, when the game was over, we found that he spoke loudly because he wanted to attract our attentions to listen to his opinion. In conclusion, we cannot judge a book by its cover. We should apply the same concept
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