Short Story Compare Contrast Essay

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Short Story Compare Contrast Essay “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity (Albert Einstein)”. Kildare Dobbs “The Shatterer of Worlds” and Ray Bradbury’s “There will come Soft Rains” share the theme that humanity has decreased connection with each other and turned to technology instead of relating with humans, and that if humanity stays on that path it will ultimately lead to destruction. "The Shatterer of Worlds" displays the theme more effectively due to the massive destruction dealt to a city and the reader’s ability to relate to the characters in the story. The destruction of the city is displayed through the use of descriptive detail and point of view. "The Shatterer of Worlds" and "There Will Come Soft Rains" are both stories depicting cities that have been hit by atomic bombs. "The Shatterer of Worlds" is told mainly through first person and second person point of view and allows the reader to connect to the characters on the other hand “There Will Come Soft Rains" is told in third person through the objective view of an inanimate object leaving the reader with no emotional connection to the characters in the story. The fact that the story "The Shatterer of Worlds"" is told through the first and second person allows the reader to understand and see what Emiko sees giving the reader a personal connection that is impossible to gain in "There Will Come Soft Rains". After the bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, the city is turned into a center of chaos and destruction “Emiko heard their faint cries, saw hands scrabbling weakly from under the collapsed platform. All around her the maimed survivors were running and stumbling away from the roaring furnace that had been a city.” Through this point of view reader is able to see the destruction caused by the bomb, and get a personal insight into the city, and is able to

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