Shawshank Redemption Essay

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THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The Shawshank Redemption expresses a series of conflicting themes, being corruption and justice, brutality and kindness and freedom and imprisonment. Andy Dufresne the main protagonist, is a taciturn banker that is convicted of double murder being his wife and her secret affair who begins a life sentence at the Shawshank Prison. The story centres on the struggles and events of the prisoners that experience beatings, harassment and harsh conditions that all grapple with grief and unresolved conflict in their lives. Throughout the story, Andy is confronted with molestations by a group of several other prisoners, who frequently tried to strip him of his humanity. This represents the internal conflict causing suffering that Andy encounters, due to the caste system of picking the weakest prisoners for their joy and pleasure. Though Andy finds trouble adjusting to the prison life, he does manage to make some friends and a long-time inmate, Red. But perhaps even more corrupt than all the cold-blooded convicts in Shawshank were the guards who had charge over the prisoners. Byron Hadley, the main antagonist would be described as a brutal and heartless man who is quite a sadistic who thinks nothing of delivering beatings to the prisoners. ‘If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night I swear by God and sonny Jesus you will all visit the infirmary’. This character causes the relationship conflict with the prisoners due to authorities and dominion. What on the surface might seem like a depressing story about a man in prison, in Shawshank Redemption Andy’s situation is filled with personal challenges and one's will to overcome impossible odds. Also what is utterly distressing about this film is
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