Shawshank Essay

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Shawshank Essay The Shawshank Redemption is an American drama film under the direction of Frank Darabont, and is regarded as the best movie of all time by the Internet Movie Database. The film is a narrated recount about the prison years of presumed murderer Andy Durfresne, which encompases his struggles and succeses that he finds while behind bars. With his friend Elllis 'Red' Redding, Andy learns about hope and the effects it has on everyone. Frank Darabont uses visual and verbal techniques to illustrate Hope throughout the film, and this report will discuss some prominent examples of this. The first instance of how hope is developed in The Shawshank Redemption is perhaps the most prominent of all, which is the 'Marrige of Figaro' scene. In this scene, which occurs halfway throughout the movie, Andy Durfresne is granted access to the Warden's office to complete ledger work due to his (Andy's) financial background. When the guard supervising him leaves for a moment, Andy begins to play a vinal record of Mozart over the prison PA system. As the music plays, prisoners and guards all stop what they are doing to stare at the PA speaker in shock. A quote from Red exemplifies how exceptional this music is for the prisoners; “It was like some beautiful little bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.” For a small period of time, they all experience a piece of freedom which renews hope buried within

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