Shang Dynasty Essay

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Shang Dynasty Ruled in the Yellow River valley in the second millennium BC, following the Xia Dynasty and followed by the Zhou Dynasty Archaeological exertion at the Ruins of Yin, which was the last Shang capital, discovered eleven major Yin royal tombs and the foundations of palaces and ritual spots, including weapons of war and remains from both animal and human sacrifices, the workmanship on the weapons prove to be a towering degree of civilization. The Shang Dynasty, which was followed by the Zhou Dynasty, sparked the creation of the basic Chinese characters, which were inscribed into the oracle bones that were discovered in the initial scientific excavations during the 1920s and 1930s. Mandate of Heaven Traditional Chinese philosophical ideology stating that specific rulers had the divine right to rule The Mandate of Heaven is similar to the European ideology of the divine right of kings, except that in the Mandate of Heaven the competence and capability of the rulers was a main factor. The Mandate of Heaven was the most successful concept used in world history because it overthrew feeble rulers and made place to more competent ones. Legalism Political philosophy created by Han Fei Zi, which believed that a ruler should use extremely strict procedures to govern over his empire According to legalism particular agendas and "secrets" were to be engaged by the ruler to make sure others don't take over control of the empire. The ideology of legalism was completely excellent and adequate during that era because the majority of the people weren’t educated and by situating legalism as the main concept in the government, it minimized revolts, thus less bloodshed and crimes. Wudi Seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty of China, ruling from 141 BC to 87 BC Emperor Wu's sublime way of governing and by situating Confucianism as the main concept in the government

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