Sexually Demeaning Comments

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Sexually Demeaning Comments “Go make me a sandwich”. Sadly, most high school students hear this phrase and comments like it almost every day. However, what most teenagers do not realize is that this innocent little saying has more impact than they think. So called “meaningless” comments like this are a growing problem everywhere because of the tolerance that people have built up to this kind of harassment. Whether they know it or not, the jokers that make these comments are sexually harassing their victims and no matter what gender, they have an impact. When asked to picture sexual harassment, many people would think of old, creepy men in vans with tinted windows. However, this is not the case, so what is verbal sexual harassment and why is it underrated? Sexually demeaning comments are a form of verbal sexual harassment that makes an individual feel uncomfortable or offended. TeensHealth online magazine says, “Like anyone who's being bullied, people who are sexually bullied or harassed can feel a great deal of emotional stress if the situation continues without relief” (“Sexual…Bullying” 1). These comments can come in many forms, such as inappropriate jokes, word manipulation, threats, and name-calling (“Types…Harassment”). Studies were done to test the frequency of everyday sexual comments experienced by college students. These studies concluded more women were impacted by sexual comments than men, but both had an emotional reaction (Swim et al.). Society is so used to these offensive comments that most people do not think of sexual harassment when they hear one, or when one rolls off their tongue. Women are the targets of many of these comments. Many demeaning comments out there are designated for women, and most of these are sexist or imply a gender-role. These comments have negative effects on a woman’s psychological well-being and self-esteem and can make

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