Sexual Discrimination at Home and Work

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SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION AT HOME AND AT WORK Discrimination plays a great part in determining how our society has evolved over the years. The word discriminate comes from the latin ‘discrimine’ which means ‘to distinguish between’ “Discrimination - action based on prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people” Wikipedia2007 – for time immemorial people have discriminated against each other and caused untold misery. There is a major difference between prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice is when you pre-judge someone and discrimination is when you actually do something about it. E.g. people may be prejudiced against people of a different race because they don’t like the smell of their cooking but if they called people names because of the prejudice, then this is discrimination. Or another example could be a religious prejudice such as not liking jewsish people simply because they are jewish; discrimination would be calling them names or excluding them from work, social events etc. The first stage of discrimination is to stereotype someone. For instance white Britons often used to call people from Pakistan pakkies. To stereotype someone like this dis-empowers them because it is assumed that all Pakistanis, as they are now referred to, are from the same mould and they are not treated as individuals. Societies in general tend to stereotype genders. In the western world women are often discriminated against in the workplace while men can be discriminated against in the home and family setting. Men are expected to work and earn the wage to support the family and women’s expected role is to cook, clean and look after the children. There are two types of discrimination – direct and indirect. An example of direct discrimination would be placing an advertisement for a job stating that only men were welcome to apply, or declining to interview black
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