Sex, Guns & Education: The Importance Of Being Fam

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There is much debate about guns in our society and their role, as well as their necessity, in today’s world. Many people believe that it is a personal freedom and a right to own and use guns whether it is for sport, hunting or self defence. No matter what side of the debate that one’s ideologies lie on, guns have been present in our society dating back to European settlement. In all probability, guns will always be present in our society to one extent or another and the key to eliminating ignorant ideologies and the mystique surrounding firearms can be found in proper education, training and knowledge supplied to students within the school system. Proper education for firearms training and handling within our school systems is the best start in creating the knowledge necessary for children to be responsible when in the presence of firearms. Far too often we hear stories or read news articles about a child accidentally shooting another child or themselves after finding an improperly stored firearm. These shootings are in all likelihood accidental and not done by the child deliberately. If youths were taught to safely handle, store and respect guns, they would also learn the potential danger of guns. Not enough children get this education as it is entirely up to parents to enroll them into hunting courses or firearms training courses. Learning safe handling techniques and respect for guns as a course in a school environment is the most effective way to equip children with this knowledge. Guns are tools that have a purpose and must be respected as such. Classes such as woodworking, auto mechanics and machine shop have inherently dangerous aspects to them as well yet are taught to children in our schools without complaint or objection from parents. Parents want their children to learn the safe use and handling of mechanical equipment should the need arise

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