Sex Education In Schools

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“Sexation” Sex is something that will be experienced in each and every one of our lives, if it hasn’t already happened it will. Some tend to get right to the point at an early age, and others chose to wait. Whatever someone’s choice is, there is some way they learned about sex, and the things that can happen because of sex. Sex itself is not only an issue in the world but also things that route from sex like, the use of birth control, abortions, aids, etc. seem to have made their way into daily conversation and controversial topics among people. These are all things that are all effects of having sex. TV shows, as well as magazines all portray sex, and even use sex to sell products. Many children come across these things and see them and think it is what is suppose to happen, because media makes it seem that way. For reasons such as this, proves that children need to be taught about sex in their school environment. Comprehensive sex education should be taught in schools; teaching children the proper ways to handle the situation of sex will lead to kids having better morals, and potentially create a healthier sex life for the students in their futures. Abstinence is a very important thing to teach but comprehensive sex education can target the issues many more teens may face, and issues they currently go through. Comprehensive sex education not only educates the audience on sex, but also targets why abstinence is so important. We were all born with a sex drive, if every school taught kids sex education it would help kids learn how to deal with this sex drive. No matter the age of a person, sex drive is apparent in everyone, and the suspicion of what its about is always in the minds of people who haven’t yet experienced sex. We see kids laughing with their friends about dirty words, and private parts; this is all apart of their curiosity in what sex is. Some kids
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