Seveso Dioxin Disaster

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Seveso - Italian Dioxin Crisis The Seveso Accident This accident happened in a reactor which was used for the production of trichlorophenol, in 1976, in Italy. A cloud of TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin) was released in the atmosphere. TCDD is commonly known as dioxin. It was a poisonous and carcinogenic by product of an uncontrolled exothermic reaction. It polluted a densely populated area and immediately killed many animals. A neighbouring municipality that was affected was Seveso and so the disaster was named after this village. A total of 11 communities were affected. None of the 20,000 people who lived in Seveso died, but the poison killed 3,000 farm animals and pets. Another 70,000 animals had to be killed to stop the dioxin from getting into the food chain. In order to handle the pollution, the polluted areas were researched and the most polluted soils were removed and treated elsewhere. The directly visible symptom of the Seveso victims was Chloracne. The main causes or faults for this accident were that the local and regional authorities had no idea how risky the plant was. After so much destructions and loss of animals, it was seen as an immediate need to introduce some regulations so as to prevent further such accidents involving toxic substances. This regulation was then called SEVESO DIRECTIVE. This European regulation gives guidelines to all the European countries regarding industrial safety. This directive has issued some “need to know” principles, which is a kind of public information on major industrial hazards. Long term problems: Thirty years after the accident, scientists reported that babies born in the area affected by the dioxin were six times more likely to have thyroid problems. The affected children are being studied to see if this has stopped them growing properly, or having problems with intellectual

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